Private Officer International and Regional Management Group are currently expanding a number of services and prior to offering these open positions to the general public, we are offering them to our members and associates who qualify.
If you are interested in applying for any position please send your resume and any documentation to
Adjunct Instructor
All instructors are responsible for administering curriculum in a number of subjects at a college level. This position will include leading on-line classes and assisting the student with questions as well as delivery quality service to all students.
The applicant must have instructor experience either in a virtual or physical class and be proficient with Microsoft products, PowerPoint, Video Maker and other necessary programs.
Applicants must have a degree or 5 years of instructor or continual security management or law enforcement experience or a combination of these.
Position is contract based fee.
EMT Instructor
Richmond VA.
Contract position based on program needs. Must be a certified Virginia Department of Health EMT instructor with a minimum of two years
of experience as an instructor, five years as an EMT or paramedic.
May require in-state travel.
Firearms-Security Instructor
Northern Virginia
General security instructor licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Must have 2 years of minimum experience as an instructor and five years in law enforcement, military or private
security management.
Some in-state travel required.
Product Fulfillment Manager
Works From Home
Inventory control, marketing and sales of products through on-line channels.
Design product layouts-order product-develop new products for several entities.
No travel-training provided.
School Security Resource Network Consultant
Currently recruiting in all states
Position involves the marketing of a comprehensive network of services provided by SSRN and its affiliates.
Complete training provided.
Send all resumes with letter and salary requirements to: