Our business is solely designed and operated to enhance the professionalism and uniformity of the growing international private security, public safety and law enforcement professions.
Based in Charlotte NC, Private Officer International stands as a beacon in the night as it addresses the growing need for enhanced private security officer training standards, security officer recognition and award programs, pay and benefit issues, and other rising issues as this industry continues to rapidly grow since the devastating events of September 11, 2001.
We have also expanded our services, training, products and memberships to include a wide array of protective services and law enforcement professionals working collectively to protect life and property.
Along with increased responsibilities, scope of authority and proactive daily demands brought on the private officer by clients, employers and the current times that require enhanced security procedures, comes the increased need for officer resources, networking, products, communications, safety awareness and the availability for all of these at the click of a computer mouse.
Founded in 2004 by a 41 year law enforcement and private security veteran, Rick McCann continues as the Chairman of the Board and CEO of this rapidly growing organization.
PRIVATE OFFICER has since its inception offered superb training and services and continues to expand and provide ever changing and diversified services and products to our industry twenty four hours a day, three hundred and sixty five days a year. We continue to add valuable sworn and non-sworn officer training to anyone interested.
We have also recently added a digital magazine, on-demand video training and Internet radio programs and other mass media platforms to our site as a way to further provide our services to private officers when the time is convenient for them.
PRIVATE OFFICER INTERNATIONAL was founded as an enhancement to the private security profession and is fast becoming the go to source for security training, news, products, resources and is quickly becoming an industry leader in the private security industry.

Our association memberships and school enrollments have
steadily climbed since our very first year because of our
superb membership benefits, products and services.